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Your pug’s adorable smooshed face is irresistible. But when it comes to air travel, that same lovable feature can pose some unique challenges.

If you’re wondering, “Can pugs fly on planes?” you’re not alone.

This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about taking your pug to the friendly skies.

The Short Answer: Yes, But

can pugs fly on a plane

Yes, pugs can fly on planes, but it’s not as simple as booking a ticket and showing up at the airport.

Like we discussed on our guide to flying with a French Bulldog, as a snub-nosed breed, pugs require special considerations and careful planning to ensure their safety and comfort during air travel.

Why Pugs Need Extra Care in the Air

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of pug air travel, let’s address the elephant (or should we say, the pug) in the room: that adorable flat face.

Pugs, along with other brachycephalic breeds like French Bulldogs and Pekingese, have a unique anatomical structure that can make breathing more challenging, especially in high-stress situations like air travel.

Their shortened snouts and compressed airways can lead to respiratory issues, particularly when exposed to changes in air pressure and temperature.

Pre-Flight Prep: Getting Your Pug Ready for Takeoff

can pugs fly on planes in cabin

1. The All-Important Vet Visit

Before you even think about booking that flight, schedule a visit with your vet.

They’ll assess your pug’s overall health and respiratory function to determine if air travel is safe.

Your vet can also provide necessary travel documents and offer advice on managing your pug’s specific needs during the journey.

2. Choosing the Right Airline

Not all airlines are created equal when it comes to pet travel, especially for snub-nosed breeds.

Some airlines have outright bans on brachycephalic dogs, while others have specific policies for their transport.

Do your homework and choose an airline that not only allows pugs but also has a good track record with pet travel.

For more info, check out:

3. The Perfect Pet Carrier

Your pug’s in-flight accommodation is crucial for their comfort and safety. Look for a good-quality dog travel carrier that:

  • Fits under the seat in front of you
  • Meets airline size and weight requirements
  • Provides adequate ventilation
  • Allows your pug to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably

Pro tip: Start acclimating your pug to their carrier weeks before the flight. Make it a cozy, familiar space to reduce anxiety on travel day.

In-Flight Comfort: Keeping Your Pug Happy at 30,000 Feet

why can't pugs fly on planes

1. Calm and Collected

Travel can be stressful for humans, let alone our four-legged friends. Consider these options to keep your pug calm during the flight:

  • Mild sedatives (prescribed by your vet)
  • Calming aids like CBD treats or pheromone sprays
  • Familiar toys or blankets with comforting scents from home

Remember: Never give your pug any medication without consulting your veterinarian first.

2. Hydration Station

Staying hydrated is crucial for your pug’s comfort and health during the flight.

Bring a portable dog water bottle and offer small amounts of water throughout the journey. Just be mindful of bathroom breaks!

3. Comfort is Key

Make your pug’s carrier as cozy as possible. Include dog travel essentials like:

  • Their favorite blanket or bed
  • A beloved toy or two
  • A shirt or item with your scent for added comfort

Safety First: Minimizing Risks for Your Pug

The Cargo Hold Conundrum

Here’s the deal: The cargo hold is a no-go for pugs.

The combination of temperature fluctuations, air pressure changes, and poor ventilation can be dangerous for brachycephalic breeds.

Always opt for in-cabin travel with your pug.

Here’s a handy list of airlines that allow pets in cabin for international flights in 2024.

Health Risks to Watch For

Even with careful planning, air travel can be taxing on your pug’s health. Be on the lookout for:

  • Excessive panting or difficulty breathing
  • Bluish gums or tongue (a sign of oxygen deprivation)
  • Overheating or signs of distress

If you notice any of these symptoms, alert the flight attendants immediately.

Pro Tips for a Paw-some Flight Experience

can a pug fly on a plane

1. Direct Flights are Your Friend

When possible, book direct flights to minimize stress on your pug. Fewer takeoffs and landings mean less exposure to air pressure changes, reducing the risk of respiratory issues.

2. Airport Pit Stops

Many airports now have designated pet relief areas.

Familiarize yourself with these locations before your trip to ensure your pug can take care of business before and after the flight.

3. Timing is Everything

If you have flexibility in your travel plans, consider booking flights during off-peak hours or seasons.

This can mean less crowded airports and potentially more attentive service for you and your pug.

4. Pack a Pug-specific First Aid Kit

Include items like:

  • Any necessary medications
  • Paw balm for dry airport floors
  • A cooling towel for warm weather travel
  • A list of emergency vet contacts at your destination

The Bottom Line: Flying with Pugs Requires Extra TLC

pugs on airplanes

Can pugs fly on planes? Absolutely. But it requires careful planning, preparation, and a good dose of patience.

Always prioritize your pug’s individual needs and health when making travel decisions.

So, the next time you’re dreaming of a getaway with your pug in tow, don’t let their snub nose hold you back.

With the right precautions, your pug can be your perfect travel companion, ready to explore new horizons (and sniff new fire hydrants) by your side.

Happy travels, and may your flights be filled with smooth sailing and happy pugs!

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